
Chicago Expansion - A Bridge Between the Physical & Virtual


The buonacorsi Foundation sponsored an effort to create a proof-of-concept satellite museum for The National Museum of Health and Medicine's digital collections, data archives and related computational resources at a new location in downtown Chicago. From 2010 to 2016, the National Museum of Health and Medicine Chicago functioned as a bridge between the physical and virtual realms, featuring interactive exhibits where visitors could explore biomedical information in new ways and which acted as a home for a team of information scientists who advanced the museum's research initiatives. 

National Museum of Health & Medicine

National Museum of Medical History

The National Museum of Health and Medicine is a National Historic Landmark recognized for its ongoing value to the health of the military and to the nation. The Buonacorsi Foundation was originally created to serve as a not-for-profit partner for the museum, providing general support for museum operations as well as for more targeted projects in both the educational and research areas. The Foundation then expanded its philanthropic efforts into additional areas of support for the arts and sciences.